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Friday, March 27, 2020

Salute to 570

570, The Year I salute,
I honor,I remember with my heartiest respect.
I celebrate till now
And I will celebrate
Till my last breath as long as I can breathe
The year of 570.
He came to earth,
Crore birds saluted to Him,
With the same song,
They sang "Ya Nobi Salamu Alaika'
The sky,the sun with other stars and the moon
Dangled with endless joy,
They were waggled with the sweetest perfume
In the air.
Fishes in water shake the wings
And honor Him.
The barren deserts became turned into spirited region
Bloomed with flowers and fruits,
The dry bosom of the camels became full,
The date trees got sweet inhalation,
The humanity got release from captivity of devil kings.
I salute and salute The Year 570,
I'll salute till my last breath.
And hundreds of thousands salute to
My dear Prophet(S).

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