My Blog List

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Thanks To Almighty Allah

Many thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me chance to open this blog.A great tribute to my prophet whose recommendation I need to be alive in the world.

            La Elaha Ellallahu Mohammadur Rasulullah(S)

My prophet(S) is my King,
He is the King of Kings
Let His shoe be the crown 
On my head,
I definitely will be happy
If I get nothing else,
I will kiss the perfume of his shoe,
I'll mix It's fragrant dust with my breast
And I will breath aromatic scent,
My life will be successful
O! my lord Allah
Please never cut off me
From The Greatest Rasul.
Please grant me His sight to me,
Yes,I'm a beggar to You.
And beggar I'm forever.
I beg Your mercy,
I beg  Your Prophet's eye on me.

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