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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Hazrat Abdullah(A)

You are great!

Thousands salute to you

I always honor you

I remember you

Take my deepest respect.

I look at the sun

I look at the moon

I find them praising you 

They bow down to Almighty

They pray for you.

The ocean water says to me

Have you heard the great name-Abdullah(A)

Who is the father of Prophet(S)?

He was truthful,amicable,just and polite.

I smile and say, I know and always salute to Him.
He reached the greatest light to us.

Sometimes,in my imagination I look at His feet 

And deeply kiss on them.

I put His leg on my breast 

I think the moon is in my chest.

I love you,Hazrat Abdullah

I love you,my dear king. 

Holy Mecca

You, holy Mecca
You are absolutely lucky
You have gotten my Prophet(S)
Your soil,your sky,your air and water
All are successful for the touch of His foot,
You are chosen by my Almighty
You are lucky forever,
If my body were you!!
If I were the soil of you!
I would get the sweet touch of His foot
My body would be successful,
If my breast were the soil of you!
There my Hazrat would keep His holy foot
And his honey- like sweat would come down to me
Come down to my breast and I drank it ,quenched my thirst.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Salute to 570

570, The Year I salute,
I honor,I remember with my heartiest respect.
I celebrate till now
And I will celebrate
Till my last breath as long as I can breathe
The year of 570.
He came to earth,
Crore birds saluted to Him,
With the same song,
They sang "Ya Nobi Salamu Alaika'
The sky,the sun with other stars and the moon
Dangled with endless joy,
They were waggled with the sweetest perfume
In the air.
Fishes in water shake the wings
And honor Him.
The barren deserts became turned into spirited region
Bloomed with flowers and fruits,
The dry bosom of the camels became full,
The date trees got sweet inhalation,
The humanity got release from captivity of devil kings.
I salute and salute The Year 570,
I'll salute till my last breath.
And hundreds of thousands salute to
My dear Prophet(S).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

'The life of a teacher'
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We Remember Our Teachers 

As a teacher we should make close friendship with our students.Our prime duty is to love students first.Then,we have to start our teaching- learning activities.When teacher and student love each other, learning  becomes very effective.

As a teacher I have passed twenty years in teaching.I find the students very interactive in joyful class full of love and care.Sometimes, at the very beginning I was not so close to my students and I was not fully successful for the achievement of learning outcomes of the students.I was not pleased with my output but I didn't know why.Later on, I've  learnt that it happened for my unknown techniques and approaches to dealing with the students.

In our time, when we were students of schools,we were always afraid of our teachers.At the time of meeting with our teachers, we trembled with fear and became so frightened that known things were forgotten at responding to asked something.We felt inertia and hesitation to say something before them. 

Most of the teachers were our neighbor .We visited or moved to the same places they usually visited. Markets,mosques,village- courts,paddy fields and play grounds were very common place where we found our teachers.But, as soon as we saw them,we left the place.We remember our teachers with much respect because they loved us though we feared them.

Now I'm a teacher.I behave with my students so friendly that whenever and wherever they get me ,they rushed to me at once.I think I'm successful.I have made my mind to love my students.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Thanks To Almighty Allah

Many thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me chance to open this blog.A great tribute to my prophet whose recommendation I need to be alive in the world.

            La Elaha Ellallahu Mohammadur Rasulullah(S)

My prophet(S) is my King,
He is the King of Kings
Let His shoe be the crown 
On my head,
I definitely will be happy
If I get nothing else,
I will kiss the perfume of his shoe,
I'll mix It's fragrant dust with my breast
And I will breath aromatic scent,
My life will be successful
O! my lord Allah
Please never cut off me
From The Greatest Rasul.
Please grant me His sight to me,
Yes,I'm a beggar to You.
And beggar I'm forever.
I beg Your mercy,
I beg  Your Prophet's eye on me.